Nicole Marie Lehman, LLC

Minimalist Laptop Setup

The Expert Educator

an educational

design lab

Elevate your business by integrating learning theory in everything you do. Become the expert by learning the strategy of teaching and leading effectively.

Develop a business that stands in integrity. Build content that delivers.

A quarterly membership that equips you to serve your clients with excellence.

Using educational design to pursue excellence and integrity in your business means

Intentionality over haphazard action.

Perseverance over complacency.

Humility and a growth mindset over pride.

Innovation over imitation.

Service over self.

your clients won’t be able to stop talking about you

Coffee shop interior

Separate yourself from the “get rich quick” internet craze and invest in the longevity of what you bring to the table.

what if...

  • People flocked to you because you were confidently leading out of your strengths and passions.

  • Your business delivered higher results and retained more clients because everything was based in learning theory.

  • You didn’t waste any more time structuring your offers with your “best guess” for what works.

  • You could stand out from your competition and boast a business that is dripping in strategy to help your clients succeed.
Part of Vintage Coffee Cafe, Coffee Shop

my heart for you in

The Expert Educator

  • People speak highly of you in their DMs, become your biggest fan and send referrals your way on a recurring basis.

  • Clients hang on your every word because you have stepped into your full potential as a leader, operating out of your strength and gifting.

  • You walk in confidence and don’t let fear, overwhelm, or not knowing how hold you back any longer.

  • You have clients signing on to your zoom calls, cameras on, pencils at the ready, eager to learn from you.

  • Your expertise is on display online in a way that is effective and powerful. You create something you are proud of.

  • Your clients binge your curriculum because it holds weight in your program and becomes the foundation and heart of your offer.

  • Your clients are blown away working with you because you are strategically backing up the sales and marketing claims you make.

  • You are no longer hand holding people through your program, and you have a specific strategy for supporting clients who are struggling.

  • You stop trading time for money and allow the curriculum in your business to step in and take some of the burden off of you.

Assorted Decors With Brown Rack Inside Store

“I LOVE the way you think about learning in the online space.”

I got a TON of practically 1:1 time, feedback, and support from you, which was huge. I also knew I wanted something that would give me the accountability I needed.”

Allison K

Digital products, online courses and curriculum have developed a bad reputation.

But you don’t have to deliver mediocrity. Because you don’t run a mediocre business.

The online space has become a hot bed of really big claims... big money claims, big business claims, and big growth claims. You see it everywhere you go from coaches and services providers of all types.

How many times have you seen really incredible sales and marketing lead into sub-par programs and mediocre courses?

And you’re frustrated because that is absolutely not who you are. You are high integrity, and you want to serve your clients well. But you’re not sure how to separate yourself from the chaos and establish your business as one that does things differently.

you’re in the right place

Cup of latte near piece of cake in coffee shop

Maybe you have had an idea rolling around in the back of your mind for months, but you don’t know how to start or you are scared to put yourself out there.

Maybe your group program portal has become a little bit of a hot mess as month after month you are loading in recordings, answering questions, adding new members, and trying to build some sort of structure.

Maybe you are dreading the live calls you have to run because it all just feels too heavy. You’re feeling the pressure of delivering week after week on Zoom because if you don’t show up there, no one will learn anything in your program.

Excellence doesn’t happen by accident.

Whether you have embraced it or not, you are a teacher. You are here to teach or communicate a skill to your clients - whether that’s in programs or in self-paced courses.

Teaching is a skill all it’s own, and YOU can master it.

Coffee shop interior

It’s time to start commanding “the room”

this is where i come in

It all started with COVID. When the world ​stopped and everyone got sent home. At ​that time, I was still teaching high school ​Spanish, and without any direction or ​training, embarked on the adventure of ​teaching online.

It became very apparent very quickly ​that learning theory had to make an ​adjustment. How can people grow when ​the one leading them and teaching them ​isn’t physically in the room?

The mass default in all of education was ​zoom. Live calls. Hours of on screen time ​trying to recreate a traditional classroom. ​And not surprisingly, that didn’t work.

Because the way people learn in the ​online context has to be considered.

I knew things needed to be different. I knew that the principles of growth... ​of learning... of seeing success. Those principles had to be adjusted to the ​online space. If I wanted my students to be successful, I HAD to dig into ​what educational design meant online.

fast forward 4 years

Armed with two degrees in education, and backed by lots of experience of my own in teaching, coaching, and leading online, here we are.

I have worked with dozens of entrepreneurs to build courses, memberships, and curriculum for their programs in a way that digs into educational and learning strategy.

Adapting educational strategies for the online space has led to higher level programs and greater success for clients across the board.

Empty on people . Coffee shop   interior design With chairs and white walls.

educational design

isn’t sexy or flashy like the promise of earning 10k in three minutes.

but it absolutely affects the long term success of your business.

A crack in the foundation left unattended, will cause the whole house to fall. And educational design is the solution.

Coffee shop interior

Inside the Expert Educator

an educational design lab

Lead out of your strengths and use your passion as the engine of your business. In this section of the portal, you really dig into the ways you can best lead your clients. From live calls to content review. Learn the best ways to inspire and lead your clients.


Elevate your offers and products by implementing learning theory principles throughout your business. Combine theory with practical strategy and watch how you become the go-to recommendation in the online space.


In this section of the portal, you can submit anything and everything to get feedback from yours truly. From your most recent brain dump idea to the signature program you’ve been running for 3 years. Get feedback from an educational design and leadership perspective.


Every quarter, I am on the hunt on your behalf to bring in experts in sales, marketing, branding... or whatever else you may need to really round out what this program offers.


Bi-weekly, easy to implement trainings on educational design to elevate the offers in your business.


The Expert Educator also includes slack channel access for all members. This is an easy way to throw in any quick questions you may have for me or for the group.


This quarterly membership will equip you to serve your clients with integrity, excellence and strategy.

Stand out in a sea of online products, programs and courses as the go-to in your area of expertise.

Shallow Focus Photography of Cafe Late

“Joining the Expert Educator was just what I needed!”

“Nicole provides a very specific framework that guided me past ​the dream stage into the planning stage. Her feedback is very ​specific and she asks great questions to help me get past ​roadblocks.”

Jackie K.